Friday, April 26, 2013

Panel moved to Wednesday

We will finish up Iran with a review on Monday, test Tuesday, and panel on Wednesday.

Link to Panel articles:

Article #1
Article #2
Article #3

Thursday, April 11, 2013

TEST Friday ... Panel Discussion moved to Monday

Here the links to articles for the panel discussions on Monday.  Remember you need to have 4 questions for the panel.

Article #1
Article #2
Article #3

FRQ for Friday... you need to have this FRQ completed when you come to class. We will score these in class after the multiple choice section of the quiz.

link to google doc FRQ

Monday, April 1, 2013

Nigeria Unit Reading schedule

Section 1 (240-253) Tuesday
Section 2 (254-264) Thursday
Section 3 (264-273) Friday
Section 4 (273-283) Monday
Section 5 (284-289) Tuesday

Friday Panel (4/12) Democracy in Nigeria will collapse due to conflict and corruption

Short answer questions Due Monday 4/8

Answer the following questions for Monday 4/8. You may want to partner up and share the work load.

Great Britain and Nigeria are both considered democratic states.  However, their systems of government differ significantly.

(1)   Describe two structural differences in the procedure for selecting the head of government in Nigeria and in Great Britain.

(2)  Identify one structural difference between the legislature in Great Britain and the legislature in Nigeria.

(3)   Explain one difference between the bureaucracy in Great Britain and the bureaucracy in Nigeria.

Clientelism is a common feature of many systems of government. Respond to the following in the context of the past two decades.

(1)   Define clientelism.
(2)  Describe one attempt to reduce clientelism in Mexico.
(3)   Describe one attempt to reduce clientelism in Nigeria.
(4)  Describe two reasons why Mexico has been more successful in reducing the impact of clientelism than Nigeria.