Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Iran FRQs

  1. Define political legitimacy. Describe one source of political legitimacy for the office of the president in Russia. Describe a different source of political legitimacy for the office of the supreme leader in Iran. 

    2.  Identify the institution in Iran that controls which candidates can run for the Majles. Describe how this institution controls the selection process. Explain how the candidate selection process influences electoral competition. 

    3.  Political competition and transparency are key concepts that political scientists use when evaluating political systems.
    1. (a)  Describe political competition, and describe transparency in the context of politics.
    2. (b)  Explain the function of Iran’s Guardian Council in the electoral process. Explain the function of Mexico’s Institute of Federal Elections (IFE) in the electoral process.
    3. (c)  Compare transparency in the electoral process in post-1979 Iran with transparency in the electoral process in post-1985 Mexico.
    4. (d)  Compare political competition in the electoral process in post-1979 Iran with political competition in the electoral process in post-1985 Mexico. 

Monday, April 28, 2014


Write an obituary for one of the following:

Khatami, Rafsanjani, Amadinejad

Register to Vote

Go to the following website to register:

Secretary of State (Oregon)

Click on <<Register to Vote on-line>>

Follow the prompts and fill in the appropriate information.

Take a screen shot (for proof) when you have successfully registered

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Iran Unit


Section 1 (294 - 307) for Tuesday 4/22
Section 2 (308 - 314) for Thursday 4/24
Section 3 (315 - 324) for Friday 4/25
Section 4 (325 - 331) for Monday 4/28
Section 5 (331 - 334) for Wednesday 4/30

Frontline video on Iran LINK

Terms for Iran LINK

Power Point LINK

Indictment of US/Britain on Iran Article LINK

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Read Chapter 6 section 2 for Friday (and take notes!)

If you were absent on Tuesday and Wednesday you need to read the section titled (fourth Republic) in section 1 of Nigeria and create a notability presentation.  Show me on Thursday in class.