Monday, March 30, 2015

Nigeria's Presidential Election

Read the following article: How Nigeria's election works
                                           Buhari wins election

Listen to the NPR Broadcast: March 30

What does this mean for Nigeria's status as a liberal / substantive democracy?
     - identify the policies/ behaviors of leaders that were different from previous elections which may aid in a smooth transition of power from an incumbent to an opposition party.

Section 1 for Tuesday

Be prepared to teach your "era" to the class on Tuesday. Everyone is responsible for reading and taking notes on all of section 1 by Wednesday.

Colonial Rule / divisive Identities
The First Republic
Civil War / Biafra
Second/third republics
Fourth republic (through Obasanjo)
Fourth republic (Yar'adua to present)

Nigeria Power point

Here is the Link to Nigeria power point

Nigeria Terms Link

Nigerian Vocabulary Terms

Nigeria Vocab Terms

       Dual mandate
       Import substitution
       Indirect rule
       Mass political culture
       Obasanjo, Olusegun
       Saro-Wiwa, Ken
       Structural adjustment
       prebendalism  (Patron-client relations / clientelism)
       Yar’Adua, Umaru
       Goodluck Jonathan (current president)
       Rentier state (dependency Theory)
      In dependency theory, poverty is due to neither so-called backward culture nor deleterious state actions in the political economy but rather the global system itself, in which a relatively small number of "core" countries specialize in high-value-added manufactured goods, while a large number of "peripheral" countries specialize in primary commodity production. Thus poverty in dependency theory stems from the position countries occupy in the international division of labor or system. Colonialism leaves a legacy of slowed economic and political growth in the former colonies.
       Comparative advantage (relative/absolute)
       Balance of Payments (deficit/surplus)
       Trade liberalization
       Trade protectionism 
       Non-tarrif barriers (NTBs)
(MFN) status
       Export subsidies
       (Import) Dumping
       Gini index / HDI / GDP / GNP (as comparable measures)
       World Bank
       International Monetary 
Fund (IMF)
       Import substitution
       Debt crisis/trap
       Structural adjustment
       Carrying capacity
       Tragedy of the Commons
       Failed state
       subsistence economy
       MEND (Movement for the 
Emancipation of the Nigerian)

       Bunkering (oil)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

China Test Thursday 3/19

We will discuss the institutions chart wednesday and review for Thursday

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday 3/16

Hopefully you have read through section 4 by now.  Use the map (in class) to answer the first FRQ (8 pts)

The second is a short (3 pt) question

When you finish the FRQs read the following article from the NY Times: Dalai Lama

Watch the following: Falun Gong Video  A little goofy and far fetched but entertaining and good foundation for what Falun Gong is to China.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Have China section 3 read for Thursday (w/ notes)

I will check notes on Thursday for China section 3.  Please come to class prepared.

Link to "Tank Man" video

Thursday, March 12, 2015

EU test FRQs

1. Define nation, state: explain how each term relates to the EU
2. Define neoliberalism: explain one neoliberal EU policy
3. Define sovereignty: Explain the impact of the ECJ and the ECB on member state sovereignty

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Dual Hierarchy - NPC and NPC

Working in groups you need to put all of the following political organizations is workable order.  Use notability and include arrows or other symbols to reflect the relationship between the organizations.  Whenever possible, include the number of members within the group.  Use varying colors to show where policy decisions are made and only "rubber stamped"

Party Hierarchy

     General Secretary

     Standing Committee


     Central Committee

     National Party Congress

     Provincial Party Congress and Committees

     Local level Party Congresses and Committees

     Primary Party Organization (villages)

Government Hierarchy

     Standing committee


     National People’s Congress

     Provincial People’s Congresses

     Local level People’s Congresses

     Village Assemblies


     Supreme People's Court

     Central Military Commission

Monday, March 9, 2015

China section 2

Read section 2

Justify the following statement:

Market Reforms lead to greater regional, income, and gender inequalities.

     Use evidence (GINI index pg. 36; chart pg. 352; and Gendercide article)

Describe the Iron Rice bowl
     How has it changed since Mao?

Describe the changes (policies) that occur when countries move from command economies to Market economies (LIST)

Characterize China's economy today (command, socialist, free market, etc.)

Link to "Please Vote for Me" video

Thursday, March 5, 2015

China Articles

Have these articles read for Friday 3/13

Little Emperors
US and China

Write (3) analytical questions based on the above articles for Friday's (3/13) class.  The discussion will be student led with your questions.

Link to Video: China "relaxing" One Child Policy

Link to CHINA power point

Here is the link to the China Pwrpt

Link to China's new president article

Comparing nations <wolframalpha>

Chapter 8 section 1

We begin our China unit today… read and take notes on section 1 for Friday.

Focus on the following while reading:

1. Legacy of Confucianism: Impact on political culture, government and bureaucracy
2. Loss of Sovereignty resulting from the Opium Wars (extraterritoriality refers laws protecting foreigners from prosecution for crimes Chinese citizens would otherwise be penalized for)
3. Describe the Chinese population (ethnicity, size, age, gender, etc.)
4. What was the goal of the Cultural Revolution?
5. What were the various factions (political groups) throughout Chinese history?
6. What did Deng Xiaoping mean when he said "Black cat or White cat doesn't matter, only matters whether it hunts"
7. Who was the "Gang of Four"