Tuesday, February 10, 2015

European Union Paper

Specific Requirements for the European Union Paper

For the paper on the European Union you must choose to write on how a specific country has responded to the issues (CAP, EMU/ Euro, immigration) presented by the evolving currency and trade policies.  You should attempt to draw upon several sources (The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Guardian, BBC news) with different perspectives.  The paper should be between two and three typed pages with no less than 4 sources.  Include an MLA formatted bibliography with a brief critique of bias and credibility of each source.

You need to frame your topic in the first paragraph of your paper.  Choosing to focus on one country may make it easier when discussing specific issues.

6 paragraphs
     - Intro (country description, economy, population, GDP, etc) Information that will help explain benefits/ drawbacks to immigration/ CAP/ or common currency
     - 2 paragraphs outlining the programs (EU citizenship, CAP, Euro)
     - 2 paragraphs explaining those programs from your countries' perspective
     - final paragraph summaring the pros/cons of EU membership for your country

20 pts
Ideas and content (14 pts)
Bibliography with bias critique (1.5 its each)

Due Thursday, February 26th

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