Monday, May 19, 2014

Panel Discussions


The panel discussion will allow you to become an expert in a subject in order to present and defend an argument to the class.

Here are the requirements:

  1. Research your topic thoroughly.  This should be done well in advance of the panel discussion.
  2. By Thursday (5/22) prior to the panel discussion, provide me with the best article supporting your side of the argument.  I will post these on line. (the class needs to be able prep)
  3. Present an opening statement, approximately five minutes in length.  All members of the team must speak, and you must coordinate your opening so that it is a coherent statement of your position.
  4. Use a Powerpoint presentation or transparency during the opening statement that outlines your argument. (To save time these need to be on a zip drive- all members are responsible)
  5. An annotated bibliography is due at the time of your presentation.  It must include at least six sources.  This may include your textbook and must include other well-respected sources, such as The New York Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Economist, and BBC.  Issues and Controversies, located in the Creek database, is also a good source.
  6. Answer analytical questions from the audience. Audience members will write these in advance, after reading the articles provided by both team.
  7. For each panel discussion, audience members will need to prepare 4 questions, written ahead of time, to ask the panel members.  I will check these off ahead before the panel begins.

Here are the following topics

*You will need to decide as a group you is which side of the debate.  Do this right away so members can team up and begin searching for information

ECJ: Ruling that Google must respect privacy wishes: Can people request that google remove personal information they find offensive?

Russia:  Due to recent electoral fraud, United Russia and Vladimir Putin have lost legitimacy. 

China:  Market socialism has weakened the legitimacy of the Chinese communist government.

Nigeria:  Democracy in Nigeria will collapse due to conflict and corruption.

Iran: Hardliners have consolidated their power in Iran and thereby crushing the pro-democracy movement.

Systems of Government: Proportional representations results in more effective policy-making than a single-member district system. Should the US adopt an alternative elections system? (PR or MMP)

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