Go to Gapminder.org
Click on <load gap minder world>
In the right hand column, click on the 6 countries in comparative politics
Adjust the y axis using the following indicators and answer the questions associated with each:
1. Children per woman (total fertility) What policies account for the changes in Mexico, China,
Russia, and Iran.
2. Energy - oil - (oil production total) Using Gapminder and the chart below (rising expectations)
explain the revolution of 1979.
Link to theory of "Revolution of Rising Expectations" (read the first few paragraphs)
3. Economy - poverty and inequality - (richest and poorest 10%) Based on what you read in
sections 1 & 2 in the book, what you expect the chart to look like through the 1970s?
Iran's nuclear program (read "The U.S. Connection: the nuclear power issue" pg 306)
Articles on sanctions
Dodging Sanctions in Iran
Islamist Maseratis
4. Are the Sanctions placed on Iran having the "intended" effect?
a. What effect(s) are the sanctions having on Iran's economy?
b. How are they affecting Iranian politics?
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