Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Volunteer Service Experience

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." 
Mahatma Ghandhi

"It is more blessed to give than to receive."  

Acts 20:35

"Life's most urgent and persistent question is: what are you doing for others?" 

Martin Luther King, Jr.

"My country is the world and my religion is to do good." 

Thomas Paine

"The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it." 

Norman Schwarkzopf

"There’s no delight in owning anything unshared."  


I am requiring all of my seniors to complete 16 hours of community service this semester. 4 of these hours must be directly related to campaigns and the political process. The chairpersons of the Democratic and Republican parties will be linking all of you with various local and state campaigns. More information to come but these hours will need to be fulfilled this Sept. and Oct. The remaining 12 hours can be made up in any variety of ways.  Many of you have already given your time through various organizations like church groups or clubs.  If you have connections you would like to continue to serve then your searching is over.  For those who don't know where to begin I will show you and lead you most of the way.You have 3 goals:

    1. Find an organization(s) you respect and make contact with the volunteer coordinator
    2. Commit to at least 12 total hours service (making plans means taking care of logistics)
    3. Follow through, record the date, # hours, organization, event(s) with very brief description, and supervisor signature

Grading: You must complete 16 volunteer hours to receive an A in this course regardless of your percentage in the class at semester.  
    1. Fill out and turn in a complete and signed volunteer record sheet. (In class handout)
    2. Write a 5 paragraph persuasive argument in favor of your organization receiving $100 donation from the school.  The wining organization, as voted on by your classmates, will receive a $100 donation in your name or that of your choosing.

    The following website is a good place to begin searching for an organization.  

    Volunteer Connect

    Click on the volunteer opportunities link.  You can filter your search by clicking on specific key words in the right hand column.  Pay attention to the age requirements.

I am looking for 10 students to form a leadership fundraising team.  In place of 16 hours of volunteer service, you will plan and coordinate fundraising events for a senior project.  The funds you raise will go towards a gift, from the class of 2015, to future Summit High students and the community.  I ultimately reserve the right, like the Senate, of approving all leadership team nominations :)

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