Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Census, Reapportionment, and Redistricting

Read the following article: MD 3rd District

Using the information in the article and what you have read in the text, write a paragraph explaining the political cartoon that follows

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Iron Triangles

Read the following Economist article: The Carlyle Group: C is for Capitalism

After reading the article, identify how the Carlyle group is gaining influence in shaping government policy.  How does this influence benefit them? Is the Carlyle group influencing policy?

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Constitutional Concepts Video ?s

Link to Video "Constitutional Concepts"

1. When were the articles of confederation written?
2. Why were they weak?
3. What was the original intent of the Philadelphia meeting?
4. Why was Washington so popular?
5. What was Madison's proposal for a national government?
6. Why was law making designed to be difficult?
7. What is proportional representation?
8. What was the connecticut compromise?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chapter 3 - section 3

Click on the link for guided reading questions on section 3-3.  3-3Doc

Have pages 112-116 of 3-3 read for Monday.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Chapter 3 section 2 (106-111)

Read the next 4 pages of text and take notes (106-110)

Guided reading question:
How does federalism shape U.S. governmental decision making on protections for workers and social welfare programs for citizens?

Due Tuesday

Finish reading and taking notes on Chapter 3 section 2

Read "The Global Connection" on page 111
    What issue dealing with federalism was concerning? How did the SB affect U.S. / Mexico relations?

Section 2 due: Wednesday

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Federal Reserve

Watch the following 13 minute video on the Federal Reserve (hosted by Buck :)

Federal Reserve

Answer the following questions while watching:

Federal Reserve Questions:

1. What are the (3) parts of the Fed?
2. Is Buck wearing skinny jeans?
3. Why was the Fed created?
4. What does the board of governors do?
5. What does the FOMC do?
6. Why is the Reserve bank called a bankers bank?
7. What is the federal funds rate?
8. How does the Fed monitor the commercial banks?
9. How does the fed help banks respond to crises?

            9.a How might this policy have led to the bailout?

Section 2 (United States Political Economy)

Read 2: Political Economy and Development page 30 and summarize what you will find in this section of each chapter

Read section 2 of Chapter 3 (102-106) and take notes (remember Kesselman can be tricky :)

Guided reading questions:
    1. What principles guide U.S. governmental decisions about economic regulation?
    2. What role does the Federal Reserve play in our economy?
         2a. What control does our government have over the Fed?
    3. In thinking about the first question, how do regulations fit in?  Do they reinforce those guiding principles or steer us away?

Due for Friday's class.

Court Ruling Prediction

After reading the Delong briefing and seeing the supreme court oral arguments write 2 paragraphs recapping what you saw and predicting the outcome of the hearing.

1. In the first paragraph discuss the history of the case.  From circuit court (first trial) to appeal to the Supreme Court of Oregon.  Include a description of how yesterdays proceedings went (timeline and structure of the arguments)

2. In the second paragraph predict the outcome of the case and how the court will rule.
    Include: How the original as well as the appeals court ruled.
                  Key words and phrases like custodial interrogation, compelling circumstance, and Miranda

Monday, October 6, 2014

Supreme Court Visit October 8th

Students and Parents… please remember to get those permission forms in by Tuesday morning so you are eligible for the field trip to Bend High.  We will be departing Summit at 920 am and returning at 1150.  Students must ride the bus!  No backpacks, purses, cell phones, or other electronic devises are permitted on the trip.  The courts' security detail has strict guidelines about what is permissible.  This is a great opportunity that may not come our way again for many years.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Governor's Campaign

Working in groups of (4) you need to accomplish the following tasks for Monday 10/6.

    1. Decide on which Gubernatorial candidate you want to support
    2. Choose a campaign manager who will lead the group (extra credit) The manager will be responsible for overseeing the productivity of the group and bringing group members ideas together into one coherent message.
    3. Assign the remaining group members the following tasks
        a. creation of graphic organizer/ chart on your candidates stance on the issues
        b. design of graphics/setting for the TV ad you'll be creating
        c. creation of a song/jingle that voters will associate with your candidate
    4. Create a 45 second campaign TV commercial in support of your candidate.

    20 points total (per member)
          1. 8 pts. clarity/accuracy of your candidates stance on the issues
          2. 4 pts, Clear focus on the issues that matter, presented in way that is convincing to voters (show understanding of what voters are looking for)
          3. 4 pts. Creativity and attractiveness of the ad (including song/jingle choice) that is appropriate for an Oregon audience
          4. 4 pts Overall presentation and appearance.

Best commercial as voted on by your peers receives extra credit!

Link to gubernatorial debate: Sunriver debate

Link to gubernatorial 2010 campaign commercial montage: videos

Oregon's Executive - Article V - the Governor

Click on the following link and scroll down to Article V

Oregon's Constitution

Answer the following questions in your notes:

1. What are the qualifications for Oregon Governor (article V section 2)
2. What powers does Article V section 14 grant the Governor
3.What powers does the Governor have to change legislation (single item veto) (section 15a)
4. What is the process for the legislature to overturn a governor's veto? (section 15b)