Working in groups of (4) you need to accomplish the following tasks for Monday 10/6.
1. Decide on which Gubernatorial candidate you want to support
2. Choose a campaign manager who will lead the group (extra credit) The manager will be responsible for overseeing the productivity of the group and bringing group members ideas together into one coherent message.
3. Assign the remaining group members the following tasks
a. creation of graphic organizer/ chart on your candidates stance on the issues
b. design of graphics/setting for the TV ad you'll be creating
c. creation of a song/jingle that voters will associate with your candidate
4. Create a 45 second campaign TV commercial in support of your candidate.
20 points total (per member)
1. 8 pts. clarity/accuracy of your candidates stance on the issues
2. 4 pts, Clear focus on the issues that matter, presented in way that is convincing to voters (show understanding of what voters are looking for)
3. 4 pts. Creativity and attractiveness of the ad (including song/jingle choice) that is appropriate for an Oregon audience
4. 4 pts Overall presentation and appearance.
Best commercial as voted on by your peers receives extra credit!
Link to gubernatorial debate: Sunriver debate
Link to gubernatorial 2010 campaign commercial montage: videos
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