Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is the United States Exceptional?

After comparing how various countries run elections, regulate their economies, collect and share revenue (NHS, CAP, etc.) I want to know if you think the United States can do it better.  Prepare a 3-4 min "Daily show correspondent style" skit comparing United States policy to another country we have studied.

Use iMovie or other platform to record your video. We will airplay in class beginning Friday May 29th

     5 pts. Policies clearly identified
     5 pts. Critique of policies justified through factual data
     5 pts. Solution is offered (may already be a policy here or somewhere else
     5 pts. logical (reasonably within the realm of possibility)

You may work alone or with a partner.

DUE: Friday May 29th

Friday, May 15, 2015

Inequality for All

Link to documentary

Raises questions (and attempts to answer) the causes, problems with, and solutions regarding income inequality

AP Comp Final Review

We will have our Final on Tuesday May 19th.

Pick up a review checklist in class on Monday

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

AP TEST/ Final Review

  1. Authoritarian
  2. Bicameral
  3. Causation
  4. Charismatic legitimacy 
  5. Civil Liberties
  6. Civil Rights
  7. Civil Society
  8. Cleavages
  9. Coinciding (cleavages)
  10. Crosscutting (cleavages)
  11. Code Law
  12. Command Economy
  13. Common Law
  14. Cooptation
  15. Corporatism
  16. Correlation
  17. Country
  18. Conservatism
  19. Democratization
  20. Dependency Theory
  21. Developed countries
  22. Developing countries
  23. Devolution
  24. Federalism
  25. First-past-the-post, SMD
  26. GDP
  27. Gini Index
  28. Globalization
  29. Government
  30. Grassroots Movement
  31. HDI
  32. Illiberal democracy
  33. Institutions
  34. Judicial Review
  35. Legitimacy
  36. Liberal (as an ideology)
  37. Liberal democracy
  38. Libertarian
  39. Market Economy
  40. Marxism/Communism
  41. Nation
  42. Nationalism
  43. Neoliberal economics
  44. Per capita GDP
  45. Political culture
  46. Political economy
  47. Political Ideology
  48. Political Recruitment
  49. Political Socialization
  50. Politics
  51. Post Materialist
  52. Proportional representation
  53. Radical
  54. Rational-legal legitimacy
  55. Reactionaries
  56. Referendum
  57. Regime
  58. Rentier State
  59. Revolution
  60. Socialist
  61. Sovereignty
  62. State
  63. Structural Adjustment Program
  64. Theocracy
  65. Traditional legitimacy
  66. Transparency
  67. Under-developed countries
  68. Unitary
Link to Quizlet 68 terms

Review these terms by identifying each significance to the (6) countries we've studied

Use the following website to review previous FRQs AP Central

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Iran Unit Terms

1. Assembly of Religious experts
2. ayatollahs
3. bazaaris
4. bonyads
5. Constitutions of 1906 and 1979
6. Expediency Council
7. fundamentalism
8. Guardian Council
9. Guardianship of the jurists (velayat – e – faqih)
10. imam
11. islamicists
12. Majles
13. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
14. rentier state
15. rents
16. shah
17. Mossadegh
18. Shi’ism
20. Sunnis
21. supreme leader
22. White Revolution
23. Theocracy
24. Farsi
25. Qur’an
26. Shari’a
27. coup d’etat
28. Islamism (political islam)
29. Hezbollahis
30. dual society
31. linkage institutions (media, political parties)
32. Import substitution Industrialization (Mexico, Iran)
33. PPP Purchasing Power Parity (think effects of sanctions)

34. Unitary
35. Qanun (statutes)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Iran: Frontline video (Intro)

We watched the following video in class on Friday as an introduction to Iran.

Link to "Death in Tehran"

Monday, April 27, 2015

Iranian Politics (divisions within the regime)

Read the following article on Rouhani (Who is he?)

Read Breifing Paper on Iran

Read the following article: 2012 Elections in Iran

     Answer the following questions:
          1. Does Iran have a well developed political party system?
          2. What was voter turnout in 2012?
               2a. What is it usually?
          3. Why are the results (turnout numbers) being contested?
          4. What is the Green Movement? (2009)

Friday, April 24, 2015

Read Chapter 7 section 4 for Monday

Iranian Institutions

Create a flow chart of power / responsibility using the following groups:

Ayatollah (The) Supreme Leader


Guardian Council


Judiciary (Chief Judge)

Assembly of Religious Experts

Expediency Council

Include the following:
     Number of members
     Who elects them
     What their role is in policy making

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Iran Section 2

Read pages 308 - 310 for Wednesday; read pages 310-314 for Thursday

Iran (Economy and development)

Go to

Click on <load gap minder world>
In the right hand column, click on the 6 countries in comparative politics
Adjust the y axis using the following indicators and answer the questions associated with each:
    1. Children per woman (total fertility) What policies account for the changes in Mexico, China,
                                                             Russia, and Iran.

     2. Energy - oil - (oil production total) Using Gapminder and the chart below (rising expectations)
                                                            explain the revolution of 1979.

                     Link to theory of "Revolution of Rising Expectations" (read the first few paragraphs)

     3. Economy - poverty and inequality - (richest and poorest 10%) Based on what you read in
         sections 1 & 2 in the book, what you expect the chart to look like through the 1970s?

Iran's nuclear program (read "The U.S. Connection: the nuclear power issue" pg 306)

         Articles on sanctions
               Dodging Sanctions in Iran
               Islamist Maseratis

     4. Are the Sanctions placed on Iran having the "intended" effect?
          a. What effect(s) are the sanctions having on Iran's economy?
          b. How are they affecting Iranian politics?


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Iran - Read section 1 for Monday 4/20

We'll discuss Critical Junctures on Monday

Watch the following Frontline video: "A Death in Tehran"
      documentary on the Green Revolution and political opposition

Nigeria TEST Today!!!

25 multiple choice: 1 FRQ YYEEEEAAHHHH!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Will Nigeria be a Failed State?

Monday classmates grouped into (4s) and were assigned one of (3) categories (ethnicity, economy, government) First decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement.  Then, using notability, create a web / concept map to justify your decision supported by facts from the text and/or class.

Pick a paper with the requirements for your webmap in class.  Due Wednesday.

Link to Categories: (Ethnicity, Economy, Government)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Fight for Yemen

Watch the following Frontline special <The Fight for Yemen>

You need to take notes throughout the video:
     Who is fighting for control of Yemen?
     Identify / describe Sunni and Shiite ideologies / interests
     What interest does Iran have in Yemen?
     In what way is Iran involved in Yemen?
     Saudi Arabia?

You will not finish the video in class on Thursday, we'll finish on Monday

Nigeria Section 4

Finish reading and taking notes on Nigeria through Section 4 by Thursday.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Iran Nuclear Agreement

Listen to the following Broadcast: Obama on Iran Deal

What are the specifics of the deal?

What are Democrats and Republicans (presidential candidates) saying about the deal
Netanyahu? (Israeli PM)

Is this a good deal?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Nigeria's regional divisions

Read the following article: Divisions

Summarize the difficulties Buhari faces as well as any solutions the author offers for future success

Friday, April 3, 2015

Nigerian Political Cartoon

Political Cartoons

<> has great examples of political cartoons to get you started on this assignment.

Create a political cartoon illustrating your term/ individual using symbols relevant to Nigeria’s political history.  Good political cartoons include perspective so you must write from the perspective of an ethnic, religious, or other social cleavage.

Thursday (time permitting) or Monday you will hang your cartoon in class.  You will vote for which cartoon has the best symbolism/perspective and which cartoon has best artwork.  Extra credit for top 3 from each category.

Goodluck Johnathan
Civil Society (types of groups)
Failed State
Dual Culture

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Monday, March 30, 2015

Nigeria's Presidential Election

Read the following article: How Nigeria's election works
                                           Buhari wins election

Listen to the NPR Broadcast: March 30

What does this mean for Nigeria's status as a liberal / substantive democracy?
     - identify the policies/ behaviors of leaders that were different from previous elections which may aid in a smooth transition of power from an incumbent to an opposition party.

Section 1 for Tuesday

Be prepared to teach your "era" to the class on Tuesday. Everyone is responsible for reading and taking notes on all of section 1 by Wednesday.

Colonial Rule / divisive Identities
The First Republic
Civil War / Biafra
Second/third republics
Fourth republic (through Obasanjo)
Fourth republic (Yar'adua to present)

Nigeria Power point

Here is the Link to Nigeria power point

Nigeria Terms Link

Nigerian Vocabulary Terms

Nigeria Vocab Terms

       Dual mandate
       Import substitution
       Indirect rule
       Mass political culture
       Obasanjo, Olusegun
       Saro-Wiwa, Ken
       Structural adjustment
       prebendalism  (Patron-client relations / clientelism)
       Yar’Adua, Umaru
       Goodluck Jonathan (current president)
       Rentier state (dependency Theory)
      In dependency theory, poverty is due to neither so-called backward culture nor deleterious state actions in the political economy but rather the global system itself, in which a relatively small number of "core" countries specialize in high-value-added manufactured goods, while a large number of "peripheral" countries specialize in primary commodity production. Thus poverty in dependency theory stems from the position countries occupy in the international division of labor or system. Colonialism leaves a legacy of slowed economic and political growth in the former colonies.
       Comparative advantage (relative/absolute)
       Balance of Payments (deficit/surplus)
       Trade liberalization
       Trade protectionism 
       Non-tarrif barriers (NTBs)
(MFN) status
       Export subsidies
       (Import) Dumping
       Gini index / HDI / GDP / GNP (as comparable measures)
       World Bank
       International Monetary 
Fund (IMF)
       Import substitution
       Debt crisis/trap
       Structural adjustment
       Carrying capacity
       Tragedy of the Commons
       Failed state
       subsistence economy
       MEND (Movement for the 
Emancipation of the Nigerian)

       Bunkering (oil)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

China Test Thursday 3/19

We will discuss the institutions chart wednesday and review for Thursday

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday 3/16

Hopefully you have read through section 4 by now.  Use the map (in class) to answer the first FRQ (8 pts)

The second is a short (3 pt) question

When you finish the FRQs read the following article from the NY Times: Dalai Lama

Watch the following: Falun Gong Video  A little goofy and far fetched but entertaining and good foundation for what Falun Gong is to China.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Have China section 3 read for Thursday (w/ notes)

I will check notes on Thursday for China section 3.  Please come to class prepared.

Link to "Tank Man" video